Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To Buy or Not To Buy!

So Matt and I have decided that is time that we upgrade our cell phones!
Well Matt needs one since he is in the city all the time with work and its very hard to reach him! I also need one since I travel lots and seem to be always looking to call someone for something.
At first I didn`t really care what I got, but than Matt started talking about a Blackberry, a friend he travels with has one and Matt really likes it! So than I got interested in a Blackberry, and seems like everyone is getting one! But than last night Matt wasn`t sure anymore if that is the phone he wants or not! But I think I really want one! Well I know I really want one, And I honestly think so does Matt, he is always on the website checking them out!
 What does everyone else have or think is the best!?
BlackBerry 9300 Smokey Violet

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good News!

So this post is really going to be short but sweet!
I am exited that I have received my first star at WW, I lost my first 5 pounds, supper excited, thought I would only loose a pound, got on the scale and lost 2.5. I am way too excited, every time I see more than 1 pound lost I feel like a girl on Christmas morning. Someone even told me they can see it in some of my clothes that I wear! Any who just wanted to share my excitement!
YAY! ME!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When You Don't Hear A Sound!

When you don't hear a thing in the other room where your 20 month old is playing you go in and check what there are doing, because you know they are up to no good right?

Your right!

I guess he wanted to see how many goldfish's were in the bag. What a kid!

Walker's Art Work (Yes on my floor)
I think he also wanted to see what it tasted like, or maybe make up. Not to sure!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And it Begins.....

So if your are a faithful followers of mine, you would already know that I have been back and forth with the idea of joining weight watchers. Well I finally made up my mind and joined! I joined 3 weeks ago.

3 Weeks ago I took this picture of me, when I weighed at  my heaviest 216 pounds!
(Don't mind the mess in the background and the dog!)

Great news is that my first week at weight Watchers I lost only .5lbs, but my second week I am proud to say I lost 2.5, which makes a total of 3 pounds gone off me, that's like 3 pounds of butter, gone and never will see again, until baby #2. But I do have 44 pounds to go before I am at my ideal weight! But I am giving myself till next February to loose at that but would like to loose 20 by Summer. I would love to hear words of encouragement or any idea how to keep the weight off! There are some blogs out there that are keeping me motivated!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blondie or Burnette? That is the Question

So every winter I always go back and forth with the Idea of going Burnett for the winter, and than when Spring comes back I never hesitate to go back as Blondie, but this year I am not sure. I really enjoyed going dark this winter and was thinking of staying this color and now I look back at some pictures of me with light color hair, I think I am going to go back Blondie. What do you think!? I have an appointment 1 month today!

What do you think!?