Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Long Week

Thank goodness, its hump day!

 What a long week it has been so far. This week started off with me being sick and out for the count. I did go to work though because I didn't want to miss the Valentine's Day party with my kids at work. Mind you I could barely enjoy it, I should have just stayed home. And my poor babies (I work with 5 18 month and younger) they are all full of the cold also. Supper that night we had Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup. I wanted to make us a nice meal, but there was no way I was doing anything more than I had too. Oh did I forget to mention SUNDAY night when I went to take my shower, we are on very low HOT water, like we have no HOT water we only have WARM, That's the only setting WARM or COLD. Nice eh. So this week we haven taking shower with Walker, because there is not enough to water to bath him and for us to Shower. Its one or thy other. So Matt and I have been taking turns one night he gets in with Walker and the next night I do. Tonight mind you Walker had a bath at my Mom's since we had supper there. So I can enjoy some what of a nice shower. We are hoping to get this fix this weekend or on Monday, since Matt has it off for Family day.
Tuesday.....I came home to find, Mater had chewed our cord to our house phone. Our dog has separation anxiety and is scared like crazy of Matt's fire pager. And while we were gone yesterday, Matt got a page for a fire and I am pretty sure it scared him and he went crazy in his crate.
(Yes this cute thing chews or panics when he hears Matt's pager goes off)
Now we are phone less until Friday since neither Matt or I are home in time to go to a store to get us one. Matt could ask a friend to stop by on there way home from work but  he doesn't feel that its right and well we are going shopping Friday anyways. Also When I picked Walker up at daycare yesterday he was full of the cold. Poor guy was up all night coughing. Poor wee thing!

Today I come home to find Matt with A MAN'S COLD. So all you ladies out there can just imagine, so basically with a household full of the colds. I am starting to feel a bit better, my throat is still sore, but I can breath better so thats good news.
I am really hoping that this week ends better than it started. I am pretty excited Matt and I are suppose to be going ice fishing with friends and I can't wait  but we all need to be feeling better for us to go.

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear you on the cold front...we have been lucky and haven't been sick but yesterday I woke up all stuffed up and I HATE being sick...mind you, I am sure you agree that Mommies CAN'T be sick, we still have to go on with our lives, unlike MEN when they get their MAN COLD...they are out of commission for at least a week - well thats the way it works at my house.

    I also hear you on the water front, except we HAVE no water..last night, came home to a little trickle coming from the tap, after reading people's statuses on facebook, it appears it could be a couple days - thank god my sister in law is enjoying herself on a cruise and we packed up and stayed at her place in the city so we could shower and stuff....

    What a week!!
