Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Capital Hoedown

 One of my Co-workers just ask me if I wanted to go to the capital hoedown 2011, the largest country music festival in North America. I am pretty excited, its a 3 day festival, but I will be only going the Friday to see these great performers!

 Jason Blaine

Billy Currington

Miranda Lambert

Carrie Underwood

I can't wait! It should be a good night out!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This February Matt and I along with another couple (who happen to be our maid of Honor and Best man) will be heading out on a cruise to celebrate our honeymoon that we never took.We are excited to report that we finally have time and the money that we can spend on us to take that special trip after the wedding. We did have it plan for the winter after we got married but , we got pregnant right away and than the mill that Matt had been working at closed there doors for good. So now 3 1/2 years later we are finally finical able to take that trip of a life time, and who better to go with than the people who stood by us on that day. We were thinking of just going to Jamaica but we got a amazing deal on a cruise.

Take a look at where we will stopping!!!
Cozumel, Mexico

George Town, Grand Cayman

 Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


9 years ago today , Matt stole my heart and 3 years ago to I stole his last name!!!

 I promise to give you the best of myself

and to ask of you no more than you can give.

I promise to respect you as your own person

and to realise that your interests, desires and needs

are no less important than my own.

I promise to share with you my time and my attention

and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship.

I promise to keep myself open to you,

to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost fears

and feelings, secrets and dreams.

I promise to grow along with you,

to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.

I promise to love you in good times and in bad,

with all I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know how.

Completely and forever.

Love You Babe!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Over Night

Its amazing how fast they grow up over night!
Monday night Walker was more interested in watching  movies like this.....

And now he asking for this movie all the time!

How do they grow up over night!!! Anyone know how to stop time just for a little while!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One Proud Mama

What a proud day today was, just minutes ago......WALKER PEED ON THE POTTY!!!
I know and understand that it could have been a one time thing!! But I walk into the bathroom where Matt was getting Walker ready for his bath. He had just finish changing his diaper, and place him on the Potty. I sat down on the toilet and ask him " Are you going to go pee on the potty like Mommy" Walker respond with a YA!!! and there he went!!! 
Very proud of him!!! Hope it continues!!!
Any ideas to keep it going!?

Monday, June 27, 2011

2 Years ago today....

Dear My lil man,
        Mommy always wanted to write you a letter and what better  day, than the day you were born.
Two years ago Mommy was the most excited and nervous person in the world! There were alot of people waiting for you to come. It was a long wait for you! After months of visits to the fertility doctors to see what Mommy and Daddy could do to make our dreams come true, October 2008, we were very excited to let everyone know that you were on your way. Daddy didn't believe me at first. June 26, 2009 ( you were due June 18th), Mommys Water broke, we were so excited that the day had finally would come, you were on your way!  You had a mind of your own, the way mommy saw it, you were trying to tell me, "Mom I broke your water, now its time to come and get me!". After 21 hours of labour, the Dr came in and told me, "Sorry Sheri but you are only 5cm, we are going to call in the team". I was upset that I wasn't going to be able to exprince the natural birthing exprince, but I was also excited no more pain and I would soon be able to meet my baby boy.
1:46 am June 27 2009
My world had changed . I gave birth to a handsome "BIG" boy. You came into this world weighing  in at 10lbs and 3oz, I think you wanted out this way because you would have probably killed me the other way.
The first week at home was really tough on  Mommy and Daddy.Mommy never really relized it, until Daddy said something to me, because he was scared. Mommy suffered post paturm depression. Thankful, it only lasted a week. Because when Mommy snap out of it. She was head over heels for you! She couldn't get enough of you and couldn't believe that she felt the way she did before than.
The last two years Walker you  have been the best two years of my life.
Watching you grow and watching you  learn  new skills just blows my mind. How you remind me of your daddy blows me away! The interest you two have in commin.I just wanna say that, Mommy loves you so much and there is nothing that could ever come between us, you were the best gift that anyone could every give me. I could never ask for anything more! You are perfect in my eyes and you always will be. Nobody could ever explain a mother love to me and honestly I can still never explain to anyone how much I love you!!!!
You are my world and I would never change one thing about the last TWO years. If I did, we wouldnt be were we are today


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday Confessional

Friday Confessional, linking up with mamarazzi and Amanda at Mommy's World!
( Waiting to upload pictures Friday confessionals post  Sunday....Sorry)

I confess...
   That I am going to fill a bucket full of tears this weekend. Walker will no longer be a baby and now  begin his toddler years as we celebrate his 2nd birthday with two birthday parties this weekend for him. (Turns TWO on Monday June 27th)

I confess....
   I wasn't looking forward to watching my sisters 3 kids for 3 hours on my day off. But now I am loving it! Couldn't ask for a better day off. Love these kids to death!!! LOVE YOU EMMA JOSH AND CONNOR!!!!  Hey You can get away with more stuff at Aunties house!
Connor My Lil Monkey

Josh and Emma!!