Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just finish putting W to bed, What a little sweet heart, I was on the computer checking my email, when W comes walking up to me put his head on my lap, and lets me start playing in his hair! I ask him, if he was ready for bed, and he look up at me and took my hand ( his new thing  to show us what he wants) and brought me to the stairs, i put him in his crib, and he just rolled over! WOW!!! his growing up sooo fast. :( People tell me its time for another one, but honestly not sure when , I would love to say next spring we would start trying again. But who knows.
So Monday I went to the Dr's for her to tell me that not only am I overweight but I am fall into the obesity category. I was sad, but we sat down and talk about it, and came up with a very doable number, which will bring me out of the obesity. And of coarse today would be the day I start to crave sweets. But i can do it.  I am just going to drink some, tea. :)

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