Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Booty Camp

 A friend of my sent me this that she got from her Booty Camp that she is attending ( I think in Kanata). She decided to share with me and I thought I would share with you all who are going through the same battle as me and might finds some of these keys helpful for you!

Keys to a Successful  Booty Camp
  1. •Spread 1600 calories out over the course of 3 meals and 2 snacks per day
  2. •Eat protein with every meal and snack
  3. •No alcohol
  4. •No fried foods - chips, french fries, wings, onion rings, etc.
  5. •No white starches - including any food from restaurants, sandwich shops, frozen dinners, pizza crust, rice cakes etc etc etc..
  6. •No pop or juice
  7. •No eating within 3 hours of going to bed
  8. •No meals exceeding 800 calories
  9. •No high sugar foods - less than 4 grams of sugar per serving
  10. •Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day
  11. •Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes 4 days/week or more
  12. •Get 7 - 9 hours of sleep
  13. •Attend  every Booty Camp class and re-schedule the classes that you’ll need to miss
  14. •Write out non food-related rewards to give yourself for each week that you follow every rule 
 Now don't get me wrong I wont be able to follow all these KEYS! I just though they might be some helpful hints or guide line. Because there are for sure some that I cant give up like # 3. Sorry sometimes I need a night out with my girls and there will always be WILD VINES!!!!



  1. has I was going through the list, I was wondering how you were going to give up
    drink moderation, i suppose!

  2. Thank you thank you thank you for posting this! I am actually going to start a diet and work out plan tomorrow and this is exactly what I needed! all the answers in a simple list, rad!
