Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fire Trucks.....

This afternoon when Walker was taking his afternoon nap, I decided that I would clean up and put away all his toys. Little did I find after I started cleaning was that my Lil man, had  a fire truck of all different sizes, in each room. This Is what I saw------>

 I found one on the chair in the dinning room
 One on the coffee table
                                                                    One parked in the kitchen
                                        In his playroom (looks like this one was saving another car)
                                                    His" I am a fire truck" book
                          (he also has a book called "Even firefighter hug kiss(or Hug) there mom)

                                                   His fire helmet put away in his toy box
I didn't have to put this away, but he was watching Diego before heading for his nap

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Diaper Rash

My poor boy......

I have never seen a lil man, who get so many diaper rashes,( and I work at a daycare center) it must be just sensitive skin, or maybe allergic reaction maybe, he gets them so often and I am not sure whats causing them. They are so red and so sore. He screams when we change his bum, and when he has to take a bath. We just get one all cleared up and its seems like maybe a week or 2 later here comes another one.And we use everything and anything, we change him every 2 hours, as soon as he poops, we even let him run around teh house with no diaper on, yes there has been pee and poop on my floor, i will do anything not see him in pain. Tonight when changing him, i had to hold him down while Matt changed him.
So I am asking if  anyone has any ideas why my son could be getting  them so often and what do you use on them that would  be greatly appercaited.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Good Read

 As I have been starting my weight loss battle one of my Aunts gave me this book, she thought it would help. And it has its so interesting I thought I would let anyone know who is doing Life Style change, so read this book, its awesome. Its called SKINNY CHICKS DON'T EAT SALADS

Everyone should take a look at it!
Good Book!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Heathy Eating

On my day off today, I decided while Walker was sleeping that I would look up some yummy websites, for supper next week. I am not to creative to think of these things on my own. But I love to try new foods. Since Matt's laid off for a little while I have time to make supper without, having a little guy pulling at my leg, don't get me wrong Walker will still be pulling at my leg but at least this way if I am in the middle of something on the stove I don't have to leave it unattended I can ask Matt to continue at what I was doing or he will take over with whatever Walker may want.
As I was looking for some healthy suppers, that will be FAMILY friendly, at first i found it hard not knowing what to be looking for, some websites were so easy some I couldn't find at all.   One of my friends gave me some awesome blogs that have amazing healthy recipes check one Here and was wondering if anyone else out there would have some websites or people who blog about healthy eating!  Eating is my next struggle I would have to admit in my loosing weight battle. If anyone would love to send me stuff that would be great.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Burns

Well tonight was the night that i met up with the trainer at the gym. Man am I sore, but i love it. I met him and he look at what i could do and couldn't do. Note to self only can do one push up! But My legs are so sore. but I cant wait I can really see this working for me. I meet with him again next week with the plan that he has to work with. Very excited. I have a great support team. My husband, and Friends what else could I ask for. I know I can do it because I need to do it. YAY ME!!!

But I was wondering what people eat when they crave sweets? or Salty food? Like right now I would love some chips.....I know I just came back from a great work out what i really want some chips!

Help me with this.....

Monday, January 10, 2011


Good Friends are like stars.... You don't ALWAYS see them, but you know they are always there!
My friends mean the world to me and I thought I would share some special moment with them.

Ashley and I @ her wedding
I have been friend with her for forever and her family I consider my family.

These two girls I became really close with after we had babies together.

My best friends since High School ( the one on the left we have been friends since Kindergarten.

Had to add this one. She has been my lil girls since she was born. A friend of ours daughter  on our wedding day, she was my flower girl!

This is another great bunch of girls that I love and wouldn't know what to do with out!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weigh Watcher

So I have been going back and forth in joining weight watchers. I am the type of person that I need someone to go with someone to help me, I have a hard time doing things alone! Some people have to problem at this, but I do.
So when I finally found someone to do this with, we were all excited and ready to go. We planned to do it in the new year. And here we are in the NEW YEAR! Well, bad news is, that she can't do it.

So now I am thinking about doing it online. But I am not sure. Has anyone ever done it online before or know of anyone who has ever did it online. I also have a meeting the trainer at the gym to work with him. I am really eager to lose the weight because I am in BABY FEVER mode, and would like to loose Walker's baby weight before I gain new baby weight.

Today we did groceries and was so excited no chips or cookies in the cart. I told Matt that The Tremblay household will be on a healthy living plan. Was so excited that he was on bored with this.
So this isn't my new years resolution or anything but a  life change for me and my family!

 Really hoping to hear from someone!

Face Lift

Wondering if any of my blogging friends could help me out. I would like to give my blog page a face lift and not to sure how to go about it.
Is there anyone out there who could help me!?