Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fire Trucks.....

This afternoon when Walker was taking his afternoon nap, I decided that I would clean up and put away all his toys. Little did I find after I started cleaning was that my Lil man, had  a fire truck of all different sizes, in each room. This Is what I saw------>

 I found one on the chair in the dinning room
 One on the coffee table
                                                                    One parked in the kitchen
                                        In his playroom (looks like this one was saving another car)
                                                    His" I am a fire truck" book
                          (he also has a book called "Even firefighter hug kiss(or Hug) there mom)

                                                   His fire helmet put away in his toy box
I didn't have to put this away, but he was watching Diego before heading for his nap

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know all about this! You see the same things at my house.
