Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So this post is going to be so random, and not really about anything.
First.....I joined the band wagon, and I am now a member of weight watchers! Joined with my sister and glad to have someone to do it with. I also have friends who have done it and who are doing it. And they have done awesome and look AMAZING! I know if they can do it so can I!I love it. Its so much fun to see how many points and everything is, but mind you I am supper nervous its my weigh in for the first time tomorrow.
What if I gained weight?
What if I didn't do anything?

I know before I told you all, that I wanted to loose weight before I got pregnant and which I do because I want to go into my next pregnancy as healthy as I can be. But also Matt and I have decided that February 2012 we are going to go to Jamaica for our honeymoon, 3.5 years later but its better late than never. I am very excited. Of coarse we will than start trying to have a baby , but by all means if it happens before than WE will be more than excited to welcome a new addition to our team.

Also at work this week, I was really inspired by my babies and of coarse my own W. I wish everyone would think like toddlers, they forgive and forget so fast. Its amazing they don't care if one of their friends  might have just stole one of their toys, or bit them on the shoulder, if they see them crying they still go and give them a hug! Now that is friendship. Also I wish I was more like W, when you ask him if he wants to go do something he is always so happy. His answer is always YES with a big laugh afterwards!!! and he can't wait go and  do it! I think we can learn so much from them. They are smart little people. and I LOVE THEM!!!!

I know my blog was random, but i found I didn't have enough to say in just Two so I put it all together!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Long Week

Thank goodness, its hump day!

 What a long week it has been so far. This week started off with me being sick and out for the count. I did go to work though because I didn't want to miss the Valentine's Day party with my kids at work. Mind you I could barely enjoy it, I should have just stayed home. And my poor babies (I work with 5 18 month and younger) they are all full of the cold also. Supper that night we had Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup. I wanted to make us a nice meal, but there was no way I was doing anything more than I had too. Oh did I forget to mention SUNDAY night when I went to take my shower, we are on very low HOT water, like we have no HOT water we only have WARM, That's the only setting WARM or COLD. Nice eh. So this week we haven taking shower with Walker, because there is not enough to water to bath him and for us to Shower. Its one or thy other. So Matt and I have been taking turns one night he gets in with Walker and the next night I do. Tonight mind you Walker had a bath at my Mom's since we had supper there. So I can enjoy some what of a nice shower. We are hoping to get this fix this weekend or on Monday, since Matt has it off for Family day.
Tuesday.....I came home to find, Mater had chewed our cord to our house phone. Our dog has separation anxiety and is scared like crazy of Matt's fire pager. And while we were gone yesterday, Matt got a page for a fire and I am pretty sure it scared him and he went crazy in his crate.
(Yes this cute thing chews or panics when he hears Matt's pager goes off)
Now we are phone less until Friday since neither Matt or I are home in time to go to a store to get us one. Matt could ask a friend to stop by on there way home from work but  he doesn't feel that its right and well we are going shopping Friday anyways. Also When I picked Walker up at daycare yesterday he was full of the cold. Poor guy was up all night coughing. Poor wee thing!

Today I come home to find Matt with A MAN'S COLD. So all you ladies out there can just imagine, so basically with a household full of the colds. I am starting to feel a bit better, my throat is still sore, but I can breath better so thats good news.
I am really hoping that this week ends better than it started. I am pretty excited Matt and I are suppose to be going ice fishing with friends and I can't wait  but we all need to be feeling better for us to go.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Fun

I am sorry that I haven`t posted anything about my great weekend, and I know some of you are waiting to hear all about it. But every night this week I just haven`t been feeling good, I get to the computer to start typing my blog and I just can`t do it. I need to go to bed and just sleep. So now I am at work with a little bit of free time now that  all my babies are sleeping.Like I said in  my last post we had an awesome Saturday plan.
So much fun, we skated on the canal, bought a new couch and had supper with my dad and brother at Lonestar. YUM YUM
 We started off by driving down to the city to pick my dad and brother up to join us on the canal.
So much fun, we all loved. Matt and I are even talking about going back for Valentines Day (Date, we can only go maybe Sunday night).
After a great skate with the family we than went back to my dad`s. We set up the playpen for Walker so he could have a nap. After all that we than left and headed to the BRICK to pick out our new couch! Talk about a long two hours looking at couches, when we finally talk to somebody about are sitution and found a couch we like. A sales person came and help us out. He didn`t even let us say which couch we like he brought us over straight to this other one. Which Matt and I look at the price and was like, I don't think so but than we sat down on the couch and feel inlove with all the great details that the sales person was telling us. Now I have nice new leather couch set in my living room, which I still need to take pictures of so you all can see.
Here are a few pics from our Winter Weekend

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Family Day

Note.....This was suppose to be posted this morning but of coarse W had other plans for me!

                       Today Matt and I had planned a Date Day. We were going to go buy a new couch since ours died and since the BRICK is going to replace it since we haven't had it for more than 2.5 years . We thought we might as well make it a day to spend in the city and head out to Winterlude and go skating on the canal.(the world's largest skating rink)
   Sounds like tones of fun doesn't?
Yes yes it does......Well we decided to change our plans just a little, we are still doing everything we had planned but this time we just decided to bring W with us and invite my brother and dad to come with us. Since they live only 5 minutes away from the canal. It should be a perfect day for an 19 month old since they are only calling for -1 weather!!  After Winterlude my dad as offered to watch W while we look for a new couch. I can't wait to find something new, do we get the same couch, something way different or something similar? Oh well we will see what they have and what they can offer us.
I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful Saturday with their families!