Friday, May 13, 2011


So while I have been doing weight watchers. I have done well I have lost 12 pounds in total. I know I can do better, but the hardest part for me, is breakfast! I am not a breakfast person to begin with. But i would like to find something I could eat on the go that would be low points and filling! Is there anyone out there that can help me with this! I enjoy eating on my way to work. Because really could go to 9 before I am hunger, and I can eat a banana than. But in an hour I am hunger again! So any advice or help would be great!

1 comment:

  1. Just seeing this many options. Have fruit cut up the night before and eat it on the way. Also, boil and egg and eat it on the way, it's protein and will help to keep you full. Or a slice of WW bread with a bit of pb, again full of protein! Plus the fruit is free and filling. Hopefully this helps.
