Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just finish putting W to bed, What a little sweet heart, I was on the computer checking my email, when W comes walking up to me put his head on my lap, and lets me start playing in his hair! I ask him, if he was ready for bed, and he look up at me and took my hand ( his new thing  to show us what he wants) and brought me to the stairs, i put him in his crib, and he just rolled over! WOW!!! his growing up sooo fast. :( People tell me its time for another one, but honestly not sure when , I would love to say next spring we would start trying again. But who knows.
So Monday I went to the Dr's for her to tell me that not only am I overweight but I am fall into the obesity category. I was sad, but we sat down and talk about it, and came up with a very doable number, which will bring me out of the obesity. And of coarse today would be the day I start to crave sweets. But i can do it.  I am just going to drink some, tea. :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mmmmmmm Tea.....

What a crazy weekend/day.
Friday I went out with a couple of friends to a benefit party called Party In Pink.
PARTY IN PINK is a fundraiser for the team members of 4 KAARA'Z KOCONUTZ a returning team for the CIBC Run for the Cure.  All the donation from the even was donated  back to the  Canadian Breast Cancer Society. We were ask to dress from head to toe in PINK! The only pink thing i own is Bright Fleece Pink Pj pants, Yes i wore them out, I also remember that my husband had PINK shirt from a wedding he was in a few years back. I had a great time, it was nice getting out and see people.  During the event, there was a list of around 10 different drinks, they were known as the pink drinks, and every dollar sold from that drink went towards the fund, there was some pretty YUMMY drinks on that list!
Saturday. M and I had an evening wedding to go to. Its was very nice. M really enjoyed that the service was all done in candle light! He kept telling me, babe i have never seen this before, it looks so nice. We met up with on of M's friends from work and his wife. They are really nice people and had a good time.
Then today at work. WOW, my kids were so well behaved, they were in great spirits ( 8months - 18 months). The day went by so fast, it was like crazy busy, but fun crazy busy, we met a new friend who will be joining my group later in the month of October. Which is going to be fun another little girl, since at the moment I only have 1. But which now mean have 3 little ones who don't walk yet, that will be interesting to see how I will get them outside and stuff, but you know what I can do it. No problem!
Well after a busy week and a fun filled day nothing better than a nice cup of  hot tea to send me off to bed!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Battle Weight Loss & My plan!

So I think about every 2-3 months I go and sit on the couch with M and start chatting about our goals in life his always is to quite smoking, which he did for 3 months while I was pregnant with W, but than started back again when he got an outside job and was allowed to smoke. But my goal again and again is to loose weight, I sat down and started to think about how small i was when i first dating M, I do have to remind myself again and again that I was only 17 when we started dating and I have had a baby, so personally i don't think I ever will be as small as I was when we started dating, but in the 8 years we have been together I have gained 50 pounds! I hate the way I look, I get so stress out, I have no will power at all I will try it for a couple of weeks see barely any progress and than stop, a BIG MAC sounds way better as i would normally think than a salad. But Nope not today. September 20th 2010, i am making a life change and is going to start eating healthy and by next summer, I will be a MILF, lol, not really but I just want people to be like WOW look how good Sheri Looks.
So allot of blogs will probably be about my ups and downs. But hope you can all bare with me and help me, with the battle that i am trying to beat, i know everyone has it.
I have great group of friends who can help me out! And amazing husband who will support me in whatever I do!
 It is now Tuesday and I still haven't publish my post yet. But I will update you and let you know that I am doing well. I friend from work, is helping out with encouragement.
I was telling one of my friends back home that i wanted to lose weight and she said she to me " Good for you I know you can do it, But don't go hard core because you want to have another baby and you will just get fat again!" Now what kind of friend says that! Mine of coarse!!!

Here is a photo of W helping me make my salad

I look over and he grab my Red pepper and started eating them!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I am still trying to figure things out on here.
Like how do I get more followers, and do I make sure my post are being posted properly, because when i look it doesn't seem to be working.
 Anywho, I thought I would just write a little about what I have been up to lately.
#1 W starting daycare, its been 1 1/2 weeks and his home with a cold and a fever, so his out for a least 2 days, if no fever tonight he can go back on Friday, part of me just rather keep him home all week, get him well rested and can go back on Monday!
#2 Our house is for sale and I am trying to keep it clean but with a 14 month old that is pretty hard, I get one thing put away and W had it out again. But honestly who can get mad this face.

W is my pride and joy!