Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Battle Weight Loss & My plan!

So I think about every 2-3 months I go and sit on the couch with M and start chatting about our goals in life his always is to quite smoking, which he did for 3 months while I was pregnant with W, but than started back again when he got an outside job and was allowed to smoke. But my goal again and again is to loose weight, I sat down and started to think about how small i was when i first dating M, I do have to remind myself again and again that I was only 17 when we started dating and I have had a baby, so personally i don't think I ever will be as small as I was when we started dating, but in the 8 years we have been together I have gained 50 pounds! I hate the way I look, I get so stress out, I have no will power at all I will try it for a couple of weeks see barely any progress and than stop, a BIG MAC sounds way better as i would normally think than a salad. But Nope not today. September 20th 2010, i am making a life change and is going to start eating healthy and by next summer, I will be a MILF, lol, not really but I just want people to be like WOW look how good Sheri Looks.
So allot of blogs will probably be about my ups and downs. But hope you can all bare with me and help me, with the battle that i am trying to beat, i know everyone has it.
I have great group of friends who can help me out! And amazing husband who will support me in whatever I do!
 It is now Tuesday and I still haven't publish my post yet. But I will update you and let you know that I am doing well. I friend from work, is helping out with encouragement.
I was telling one of my friends back home that i wanted to lose weight and she said she to me " Good for you I know you can do it, But don't go hard core because you want to have another baby and you will just get fat again!" Now what kind of friend says that! Mine of coarse!!!

Here is a photo of W helping me make my salad

I look over and he grab my Red pepper and started eating them!


  1. I can guess what friend that was...ahaha...silly people. You CAN do this and as you said, we are all here to help. W is adorable as always, growing so quickly! Crazy.

  2. Sheri, you can SOOO do it!!!

    I am kinda in the same place as you. Just trying to make small changes in my life that will make me feel good about myself again. I am starting Zumba next month and sooo excited to get off the couch one night a week and get moving! I am also signed up for 5 Km race next spring so with that goal I know I need practice, knowing that I HAVE to do that run in 6 months gets me running! I wish you all the luck in this journey and I know you can do it!!

    P.S Your Chef is a cutie!

