Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is one for all you Moms out there!!!!

So I have a mini problem ... Its nothing really big but I am not sure really when i should do this.
Walker will be turning18 months on the 27 and i had said that I was going to take him completely off the bottle when I was on holidays this way, If its a battle than, really I don't have anywhere to go the next day, so I can handle the late nights with him. But than I stated to talk to other people and started thinking really, his only 18 months he is still a baby. And its not like he is walking around the house with a bottle hanging out of his mouth 24/7, he only really uses it when he goes to bed, or needs extra comforting. You always see kids with a soother in their mouth until 2 or even 3. And his bottle soothes him just like a child with a soother.

I don't know, it breaks my heart to think I need to take his BABA away from him. I never go through with anything Matt is always the first one who does the first transition. I cant handle it. Matt did the from Mommy's room to his own room, Matt also did the not rocking him to sleep, let him cry it out.
So many heart breaking moment for me. I know I am a BIG sob.
What do you guys think!?

PS His not a fan of milk in a sippy cup!


  1. That sucks and I know it's biggest battle right now is that Maddy is almost 4 and REFUSES to sleep alone...I have to sleep with her and I have tried to stop and she just screams and howls and I give in - its horrible!
    If he doesn't like it in a sippy cup then I dont really know what to do...when I took Maddy off the soother, we "gave" it to a smaller baby and she was pretty proud that she did it and that was the end of the soother...can that work for the bottle too...I don't know - but good luck!

  2. This is EXACTLY my baby as well! It's so hard to get them to stop! And those sippy cups just don't do the trick!
