Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 4

So I am far behind on my 12 day challenge which honestly I think its OK. Its the weekend, had my moms 50th birthday party and spending with my son, his napping right now, so I found some time. to do day 4. Pretty sure its suppose to be day 6, but I will catch up and do everything, maybe just not in the right time frame! Hope everyone who participate in Black Friday had blast can't wait to hear every one's stories!

Day 4: Tips/Tricks to a Budget Friendly holiday season

Well, I don't have any tips really besides the usual ...

1.) Be smart. Only buy if you can afford it.

2.) Remember ... the wrapping shouldn't cost more than the gift. Hello, Dollar Store.

3.) Watch for the items you purchased going on sale. Most stores allow you to bring in the receipt and make a price adjustment.

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