Friday, November 5, 2010

News From Daycare.........

What a day....
 When I cam to pick Walker up today from daycare, Karen ( Walker's educator) had some news for me.
Walker had bitten a friend at daycare!!!
I honestly made me feel like I was the worst mother in the world. I now know how my parents at work feel when I tell them that their child has bitten. Now I am the mother who gets the bad news.
Has anyone had to deal with a biting child before, he has only did it once, so maybe it only going to be a one time deal!!! Lets Pray!


  1. Piper hasn't bitten on of her friends yet but she does like try to bite me when she's mad at i just say a sturn NO, BITING! and put her down and walk away! and she has a gotten a bit better!

  2. Maddy went through the same stage and I felt really bad because my daycare told me that "none of her kids there have EVER bitten" - ok seriously, at the time Maddy was 2, what 2 year old doesn't go through that phase...anyways I felt bad but what was i suppose to do really...anyways, about a year later, I was picking her up and out of no where this new 2 year old, bit down through her shirt and welted her chest and drew blood...i was shocked, didn't even know what to say because afterall..."none of her other kids have ever bitten" - anyways I felt better once the other kids were around the 2 year old stage and was biting...I realized that I am not a bad mommy, its just a phase!
