Monday, October 11, 2010


 What a busy long weekend! It was awesome to say the lease. Friday night I spent at home with W, spending every little moment I could with him! I miss being with 24/7 like I was when I was on maternity leave. Saturday morning we woke up and breakfast together, than I got ready for my annual shopping trip with my mom. We always go Saturday of Thanksgiving, since my step dad always is away Moose hunting. This is a day where time doesn't matter to me and my mom. We never look at our watches once to see what time it is. Because we have the whole day together and we want to enjoy it. I had lots of fun with mom, we stop in at Moxies for lunch which was nice to do, just sit and chat. I bought lots of clothes for W, some are for now and some I put away for Christmas. But while I was standing in line at Winners, I notice a pair of Silver Jeans sitting there, I pick them up and look at them, I loved them, than I look at the price and they were 39.99 and than I look the size............ Not my size.....but you know WHAT?  I bought them anyways. They are only one size to small for me. I am determined to wear them on Christmas eve. So I would like to loose 15 pounds and fit into my new jeans by Christmas. I know I can do it. One of my Best Friends, just got married this summer, and she kinda did the same thing, it wasn't just one size that she had to loose to fit into her wedding dress, but she did it, she bought the dress anyways, bc she was in love with it. And needless to say she fit into her dress amazing and she was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. She gives me so much hope, in my weight lost battle , she is always there for me and always talks me through my battles when I need her! She is the best!
 Sunday.... W and I went out for breakfast with another one of my best friends and her son S, after breakfast we went to visit M at the fire hall. K & S came with us. The boys had a ball, I think they explored every single firetruck they had! It was lots of fun. We than went for a nice fall walk. After K&S went home and I put W down for a nap, and clean the house and got supper ready for my family who was coming over for Thanksgiving supper. I just want to say THANK YOU again for my mommy she is the best in the world without her I would be a nervous wreck. My in laws came over too, and well it didn't go over so well with them. I would have to write a whole other blog on my relationship with my in laws, I will just say its different.
This morning we all got up together as a family ( normally we take turns sleeping in, I sleep in on Saturdays and M sleeps in on Sundays) Today we all got up and watch Mickey Mouse Club House.

After our morning lounge watching one of W's favorite shows we decide to go for walk to visit my grandma. It was nice since she doesn't get to see W very much anymore.
Tonight I will be going to my Dad and Brother's for more turkey!
Can't wait for Wednesday when i can go back to the gym and work off all this turkey. I would love to go tomorrow to the gym, but we have a friend of mine coming to look at our house. So hopping his going to buy it, so we can start looking at a new one for us.

Here are a few pics of W and S at the fire station

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