Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So I was Tag along with everyone else over at The Johnston's
And since I am a bottle of nerves right now and can't say much for a little bit, I thought I would answer a few of these Question and than work on my 101

1. Who is your favorite actress/actor?
Honestly my favorite actress/actor would have to be....sad to say I had to think about this I don't really have a favorite, but if i had to choose just one I would choose....I don't know...I really enjoy Kate Hudson

2. What celebs fashion style do you absolutely lust over?
Well this one I don;t know

3. What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
Well first off my greatest accomplishment for me, is that I married a man who cares deeply about me and gave me the greatest gift of all.
But i would have to say graduating out of college nobody ever thought I would be able to do that, and out of the gang I hung out with in High School, I am the only one who did. And Jeni of coarse.
4. Do you have an addiction (purses, shoes, etc.)?
I am addicted to Tea, I can't go a day with out drinking Tea, not sure if this what you are looking for. But I am a tea olic. I am A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D to tea....
5. If you could meet one celebrity who would it be and why?
    Any celebrity.....It would be.....

6. What do you consider to be your best personality trait?
   I honestly don't know ask my friends or my husband
7. What is your favorite store to shop at?
  My favorite store would be Bath and Body/ or winners love buy brand name clothes at not Brand name prices
8. What is your biggest fear?
I am totally scared of snakes...like heart attack scared....and Death, the thought of leaving Walker behind scares the crap out of me!

K well this was a lot harder than I thought! Since I am suppose to tag people and I don't have very many people who follow me, whoever wants to do it!

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